internet lessons

hoomamatu 3 Replies

Also, keep texting shortcuts confined to your cell phone. Everybody understands when you use “2” instead of “too” because you were typing with your thumbs on a number pad. But you cannot let that habit sneak into your work or school emails or even message boards. And there’s no reason for it, you have all the time in the world to construct and proofread your message. If you are so pressed for time that you can’t spend the extra quarter of a second to type out the full word, you need to get up right away and finish your responsibilities. Don’t even worry about closing the window – that would take almost a full second.

Oh, and if you use “lol” in every sentence you type (and I’ve seen people who use it multiple times, ie, “lol I like dolphins because they’re cute lol”) I’m picturing you as this cackling moron. If you’re really laughing out loud that much you need to be on some kind of medication.


Sama kehtib ka eesti keeles ja smailide puhul. Kui sa kasutad ühes lauses kolm korda koolon-deed, siis, noh, you need to be on some kind of medication. Ja kui sul on nii kiire, et sa kirjutad “nkn” “niikuinii” asemel või “xma” “kordama” asemel, siis you need to get up right away and finish your responsibilities.

3 thoughts on “internet lessons

  1. Liana

    Eriti kurjaks teeb, kui sa räägid kellelegi pika ja enda arust maru olulise jutu maha ja vastuseks tuleb koolon-dee. Seepärast ma ise peaaegu ei kasutagi seda, kuna ma ei salli seda üldse.

    1. daki Post author

      Ma olen leidnud, et vahepeal on smailid asendamatud, või õigemini, need on saanud asendamatuks, vahepeal nagu kohe TUNNED, et pead panema smaili, et inimene aru saaks, et sa kirjutad muigega. Aga mind häiribki ülekasutus ja valedes kohtades kasutus. Nagu see hea näide: “lol I love dolphins lol” – no MITTE KEEGI ju ei räägi päriselt nii, ei naera ju nii!

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