and then this happened

hoomamatu Leave a reply

Ma olin kuulnud ja näinud piisavalt seda Family Guy Epicaci-klippi, aga ma ei uskunud, et see päriselt nii toimib… Projectile vomiting on tegelt ka olemas. Hüsteeriliselt naljakas.

“My newborn daughter would spit up occasionally, like all babies, but one day when she was just 3 weeks old, she began to projectile vomit. I swear it shot from her mouth 4 feet across the room. Ironically, I had just watched ‘The Exorcist’ the night before, so I was positive she was possessed. I couldn’t believe a tiny baby could have the ability to do this naturally. Hysterical, I called my parents, the emergency room, and a priest. When I got to the emergency room, the doctor explained it to me, and told me I was probably just overfeeding her. My priest laughed so hard he had to sit down.”


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