NY Times kirjutab, mis juhtub, kui eksid blogivad. Ka Geeksugar küsib, et kas sa oled kunagi bloginud TMI (too much information) ning räägib, kuidas ta ise on alati kõhelnud pikalt, kas muuta Facebookis ära oma relationship staatus.
Ja noh, yours truly lugu teame (või “teame”) me muidugi kõik…
Leidsin sealt paar huvitavat mõtet:
In separation, of course, one person’s truth can be another’s lie. /—/For the blogger, the writing can be therapeutic. /—/It is a blank slate to unload all the frustrations and emotions of a personal crisis. /—/“People tend to think that they are blogging for a small group of friends or that they are anonymous,” she said. But that is not really the case, she said, because “all it takes is one friend posting a link to your blog to out you.”
Igal juhul, huvitav ja (loodetavasti!) õpetlik lugemine ja annab ainet järelemõtlemiseks.