Peadpidi mustas pilves daki 10. mai 2013 Elu väljaspool mulli, Inimesed ja inimeseks olemine 1 Reply Maikuu ajakirjas Pere ja Kodu on minult kaks pikka lugu. Üks neist räägib sellest, kui laste seksimängud lähevad liiale. Teine on aga depressioonist ja sellest, mis tunne on elada peadpidi mustas pilves. Ja ka sellest, kuidas taas valgust näha. Jaga postitust:FacebookEmailTwitterPinterest
triangel 14. mai 2013 at 12:19 Just leidsin loo, mis ütleb, et “Ninety percent of marriages where one person is bipolar ends in divorce. Persons diagnosed with bipolar disorder have three times the rate of divorce as the general public, which is about 50 percent.” Reply
One thought on “Peadpidi mustas pilves”
Just leidsin loo, mis ütleb, et “Ninety percent of marriages where one person is bipolar ends in divorce. Persons diagnosed with bipolar disorder have three times the rate of divorce as the general public, which is about 50 percent.”