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1. My uncle once: I never had one.

2. Never in my life: have I jumped off a moving car.

3. When I was five: I probably told everyone I met that I have new pair of socks on.

4. High school was: full of gibberish.

5. I will never forget: August 2nd.

6. Once I met: (look at the previous blog entry)

7. There’s this boy I know: who is in jail in France.

8. Once, at a bar: the dragon-saga began.

9. By noon, I’m usually: had my first 3+ coffees.

10. Last night: I finished “Mees, kes oskas ussisõnu” and got bitten by a hare,

11. If only I had: debt-free life.

12. Next time I go to church
: I try not to sing along with Rolf Juunior.

13. What worries me most: well, lots of stuff.

14. When I turn my head left I see: My flip-flops and cat puking inside them.

15. When I turn my head right I see: a cup, once filled with yogurt, sitting empty beside our bookshelf.

16. You know I’m lying when: I’m serious. But that doesn’t count, because when I’m telling the truth I’m also serious.

17. What I miss most about the Eighties is: ühtekuuluvustunne.

18. If I were a character in Shakespeare I’d be: I haven’t read Shakespeare that much so I’d say I’d like to be Shakespeare played by Colin Firth when Rowan Atkinson kicked him over.

19. By this time next year: life is absolutely different. My life always has dramatic turns in August.

20. A better name for me would be: Daaniel.

21. I have a hard time understanding: squareroots.

22. If I ever go back to school, I’ll: have a theme for my masters thesis ready,

23. You know I like you if: I say so.

24. If I ever won an award, the first person I would thank would be: The God of Improbability.

25. Take my advice, never: get married if you don’t feel like it’s right thing to do.

26. My ideal breakfast is: coffee, two sandwiches with light ham and lots of tomatoes, newspapers and plenty of time to sit at the table.

27. A song I love but do not have is: Paul van Dyk “Let Go”
28. If you visit my hometown, I suggest you: to go to Toomemägi and have a picnic.

29. Why won’t people: let things be if they need to be left alone.

30. If you spend a night at my house: you’ll probably end up having a cat allergy.

31. I’d stop my wedding for: Hah, well, I didn’t, did I?

32. The world could do without: bad anecdotes in the back of all the newspapers in Estonia.

33. I’d rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: well. I have my limits, I’m not revealing them though.

34. My favourite blondes are: Marlene Dietrich, Brad Pitt and my sister.

35. Paper clips are more useful than: post-its.

36. If I do anything well it’s: wok.

37. I can’t help but: get angry when toilet seat has been left up.

38. I usually cry: when they show Christmas-time on TV.

39. My advice to my nephew/niece: to be really happy to have such a good mother and a cool aunt as well;)

40. And by the way: why is my computer still in the repair shop? That’s ridiculous!

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